
Recently we took the kids to an event called Obstacool as a family fun day out.  Given it had been raining solidly for over a week I knew it was going to be a very muddy affair.  With this in mind I decided to take our point and shoot camera (with a wrist strap) instead of juggling my phone for photos.  If I am honest with myself I didn’t want to put my phone at risk of damage and determined that the camera could take one for the team if damages were to occur.

Late last year there was a blog post titled Dear Mom on the iPhone doing the rounds and causing quite the stir and some of the responses Dear Mom Judging Me For My iPhone and  Dear Mom on the iPhone:  You're Doing Fine generated lots of passionate comment and discussions.  At the time I was AMEN sistas, tell that to all those seemingly 'perfect mums' to quit judging THEN I saw this and it got me thinking.