Why is memory keeping so important?

Why is memory keeping so important?

Having tangible keepsakes and memorabilia can help ensure you have a sense of self and family identity. We’ve talked about this before here but today we wanted to highlight our top 3 reasons we think memory keeping is so important.

Memories matter but they also fade:  Do you forget things?  I don’t mean the milk or where the keys are, I mean do you think back on even a recent event and have trouble remembering what day it actually happened?  We lead busy, but richly joyful lives and adding stories to your photo collection be that by adding file names or comments and captions regularly as part of your photo organising maintenance workflow or by traditional journaling will make sure you do those precious memories justice. Don’t put them at risk by relying on brain power alone.

Ferris Bueller was right!  “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”  The busier we get the faster life seems to flash by.  There always seems to be somewhere to go or something to do.  In my extra-large extended family we often say that at any given time we can always name someone in our family who is;  just starting school, sitting final exams, engaged, married, pregnant or has a new born and sadly now we can often add that someone has just passed on. Photographs can be like the pause button for life capturing that moment in time and making an effort to add stories to those photos and documenting those moments can help freeze them and preserve them for the future. It will allow you to reflect on them later and leave a legacy for your descendants.

The art of quiet:  In light of how busy we all are there are ever increasing stress on us all. So too are the calls for us to adopt mindfulness and even meditation to help block out all the noise and take time to reflect. Whether it’s spending 20 minutes per month on maintaining your digital photo collection, sitting down each day to write a journal about your day or selecting favourite photos and stories for a photo book, memory keeping forces you to slow down and contemplate life’s wonder and joy and to be grateful and give thanks for all we have.

  • The Filing Fairies | P.L.E.A.S.E. transform your old photos into modern books
    Posted at 19:03h, 30 August

    […] Why Is Memory Keeping So Important  […]

  • The Filing Fairies | The Summary Issue
    Posted at 12:20h, 05 November

    […] Having easy access to your photos and tangible keepsakes can help ensure you have a sense of self and family identity. Read the 3 reasons we think memory keeping is so important here  […]