family filing Tag

The acronym DPH is one professional photo organisers like us use frequently with our clients and our colleagues. But what exactly is it? How do you get one? Where do you put it? Why should you use one? Those are all great questions. As event managers in our past lives we love addressing the traditional project management type questions of WHEN, WHERE, WHO, WHAT and WHY, so let's apply those to this topic!

Recently someone contacted me to discuss how I could help them with their photo collection. They mentioned that they had just been on a 3 week holiday and had come home with 18,000 (yes thousand) photos from that trip. On hearing that number I knew instinctively that was too many!! Too many to store, too many to use and too many to enjoy. Surely this kind of digital photo overload could only be a burden. Just thinking about that number made me tired. So, I started to ponder and research how can I help highlight the importance of taking fewer photos.

Who has experienced this before?  How frustrating is it?  Of course by the time you have deleted some photos to make room for more, the moment you were trying to capture has passed. As you know we live by the motto - organise ~ utilise ~ enjoy and today we are exploring some of the benefits of having your photo life organised.

Happy National Organising Week (NOW)!

NOW (pun or rather acronym intended) is the perfect time to reconsider how you use your space, time and stuff.

One of our favourite ways to help families get and stay organised are our action stations. A while ago I stumbled on the blog post of a compatriot organiser Lisa of Organized 365 in the USA, it was all about The Sunday Basket Straight away I related to the concepts Lisa was describing, finding it similar to our family filing action stations. It got me thinking about the way we have described our action stations and how to use them to you in the past.  

Before we broke for school holidays I found a pretty pink envelope in Gabi's communication pouch at pre school, to me that meant just one thing....PARTY TIME! I thought I would take the opportunity to show you how having a physical system (our action station) set up that my behavioural systems came quickly and easily into operation. A picture tells a thousand here are '5000 words' that tell the story of how I handled a new party invitation immediately (so I wouldn't forget).