Author: Mara The Filing Fairy

Respect, responsibility, resilience - the holy grail of things most parents want to teach their kids. I asked myself how can I find ways to build these with my own children. Ways that are easy, engaging and interesting. In this blog I talk about 3 ways we believe that PHOTOS can help demonstrate or teach children three essential life skills.

Late last year there was a blog post titled Dear Mom on the iPhone doing the rounds and causing quite the stir and some of the responses Dear Mom Judging Me For My iPhone and  Dear Mom on the iPhone:  You're Doing Fine generated lots of passionate comment and discussions.  At the time I was AMEN sistas, tell that to all those seemingly 'perfect mums' to quit judging THEN I saw this and it got me thinking.

See this load of notebooks, this mess? That was how I was planning my days and maintaining my works-in-progress.  I had a month to view Kikki K planner, a week to view Kikki K planner, an A4 workbook and I was still using my Cozi app.  I knew I needed to practice what I preach and ensure that there was a place for everything so that everything can be in its place, so I decided to go back to paper.  My shopping list was for something that I could use for:
  • Appointments
  • To do lists (work AND family)
  • Ideas lists (blog, marketing, joint ventures, gift ideas)
  • Tracking (exercise, water consumption)