Author: Mara The Filing Fairy

Who has experienced this before?  How frustrating is it?  Of course by the time you have deleted some photos to make room for more, the moment you were trying to capture has passed. As you know we live by the motto - organise ~ utilise ~ enjoy and today we are exploring some of the benefits of having your photo life organised.

Recently a lovely client of ours suggested that we should write a blog and remind you all to be careful that you don't fall into the trap of over zealous deleting.  As you would know we are all for having a nice manageable sized photo collection by ongoing maintenance (including deleting) but today we want to talk about why we think Wendy was right... so step away from the delete button.

The sun is out, term 3 school holidays have been and gone and the silly season is just around the corner.  You are marvelling at how the year is flying and how cute (and big) the kids look in swimming gear and summer clothes.   I know that I am soon to be marvelling at my Miss 4 off to Big School Orientation! Of course this highly likely means that you, like me, have been becoming increasingly snap happy taking photos on various devices. Today we wanted to give you 10 tips to help avoid those photos stacking up as the year sprints to an end.

No one likes to think about death but you know the saying ...
"in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" - Benjamin Franklin

With that certainty in mind, those of us who want to ensure handling our estate after we die is as simple as possible for our loved ones take measures to prepare and plan.  We make wills and possibly financial plans for our funerals. But what about your photos?