3 document types you can’t afford NOT TO get organised

3 document types you can’t afford NOT TO get organised

A solicitor, a real estate agent and a professional organiser walked into a bar…

I was recently a guest at a business networking event (BNI for those of you that might be familiar with how they operate) and in his 60 seconds a solicitor in the group delivered an introduction that struck a chord with me.

He simply said:  “there are 3 documents EVERYONE should have. 

Those documents are:

  1. A will
  2. An enduring power of attorney
  3. An appointment of an enduring guardian”

I sat there wishing fervently that my 60 seconds had been after his because I would have added… “ AND you shouldn’t just have them they should also be ORGANISED”.

So today I wanted to cover off the three document types you can’t afford NOT TO get organised.

As a preface let’s talk REAL ESTATE (gag making sense now?).  I am sure you have all heard the catch phrase “Location! Location! Location!” I believe there is even a TV show called that.  Well, great organisation ultimately boils down to just that, the real estate agents favourite thing – LOCATION! Or as I have described in the past PLACE! Remember “if everything has a place, it is simple for everything to be in its place!”

By allocating a place/location for everything you create a physical system which enables the process of PUTTING everything in its place (the behavioural system) to become routinely simple.

So whilst I agree wholeheartedly with the concept that everyone needs those three essential documents, our user friendly system allows for ALL your essential life paperwork to be organised so that it can be easily and readily utilised as required.

You may remember us outlining these document types in our FileOsophy – CAST (Consider, Action, Stow, Throw) in the ‘Stow’ section.  We hope that you like our new and improved version.

Do you have those three essential life documents?  Do you have your essential life documents organised?  Remember we can help you create a unique Family FileOsophy to suit your needs and your space, contact us to book a discovery session.

Have a magical day


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