Michael Jackson did it all the time, so can you!

Michael Jackson did it all the time, so can you!

Have you ever wondered how to organise your digital photos?
Remember how we said we want to help you to create an easy to use system of storing and filing your photos, so that you can enjoy and share your precious memories?
Well here it is our digital photo filing best advice
As simple as doing the M.O.O.N walk
Join us over the next 4 weeks to learn  4 steps to get your photos organised using The MOON walk.
The first step of our MOON walk is…


With technology improvements there are more and more devices out there that we are using to take photos.  Even kids “toys” imitate smart phones to take and store photos.
I personally have photos coming in from 3 places – his n her mobile phone, a point n shoot and a DSLR.  But there are also images that other people take and email me or tag me on Facebook and the list goes on and on.
So step 1 = MUSTER:  make like a cowboy and gather up all your device
  • smart phone(s)
  • camera memory card(s) (the ones out of the cameras
  • camera(s) (many have cards AND built in storage)
  • video camera (many take still shots that you will want to file as single images)
  • laptop(s)
  • tablet(s)
  • kids toys as mentioned
Next week you will need to grab your adaptors, cords, beverage of choice and pop on some tunes you are ready for the next steps.
Keen to keep MOON walking right now – download the checklist below
Want more help, give us a call we’d be happy to help you get up to speed.
Don’t blame it on sunshine, don’t blame it on moonlight, don’t blame it on good times, blame it on the boogie – had to be said I’ve been singing it in my head the whole time I was writing this 🙂
Have a magical day