27 Apr Journal prompts for a travel book with better storytelling
A travel book can be full of wonderful images, but you shouldn’t forget the evocative stories that go with those images!...
A travel book can be full of wonderful images, but you shouldn’t forget the evocative stories that go with those images!...
We understand how hard it can be to write the narratives that go with a ‘this is your life’ themed (or any theme) photo book. So today we are giving you some inspiration for extracting those wonderful rich stories from your memory bank so that you...
When was the last time you did something creatively nourishing for YOURSELF? NOT FOR THE KIDS, THE HOUSE, THE DOG, YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR PARTNER, THE SOCCER TEAM, THE SCHOOL...
What do toilet paper memes and QR codes have to do with photo management? Read on to find out....
Last month Mara shared some insights as to how she takes small regular steps towards creating her annual family photo book, here is the link in case you missed it. She also shared this image of one of her layout spreads with family and friends which...
If you followed the tips in our last blog, by March you’d already be two 12ths of the way done preparing for your next annual family photo book. It's not too late to get started with those tips now...
Do you ever wish you could be THAT person, the one with a neat (if you are Jo and hodge podge if you're Mara) shelf of family photo books, one for each year, but you never seem to have the time to create them? Today’s blog...
Do you often find that your closest family and friends have everything they could want or need, leaving you hard pressed to come up with a thoughtful and meaningful gift idea?...
You’ve heard of writers’ block but what about creators’ cramp? Creators cramp is something I just made up, just then! Do you like it? Does it resonate? What I mean by this the mental roadblock you hit when creating photo books. You know you want to create a photo book,...