30 Mar Are the photos on your camera roll, story worthy?
Today’s blog is about the conflicting thoughts this innocent social media trend brings to my photo manager brain.
I’m excited and worried. Engaged and frustrated.
Excited that people are sharing their photos.
Worried some of them appear to be from MANY years ago. This could be because they are sharing from the oldest not from most recent. I worry that those camera roll photos from years and years ago could possibly exist ONLY on the device and I desperately want to jump in and comment “please tell me you have that photo backed up, what if you lost your phone?”
Engaged because it is fun to see photos that might not usually be shared.
Frustrated because so often they are memes, recipes or other photo clutter images that don’t need to stay on your camera roll (especially if you are selecting from the oldest). It also frustrates me that sometimes the directive is “don’t explain it, just share it” actively encouraging people NOT to share the story behind the image. Quite possibly if you have no ‘share worthy’ story to accompany your photo then it probably is a good indication that you don’t need to keep the photo at all.
I know I can sometimes come across as Photo McScrooge, but from my experience in the photo management industry, I know that the more mindful you are about your photo taking, sharing and saving habits, the less likely you are to be overwhelmed by vast quantities of photos. You can read more about intentional photo taking habits here.
In a nutshell, go ahead and take the photo of your lunch/pedicure/meme, post it and share it BUT be sure to DELETE it once it has served its purpose.
Have you engaged in this social media game? Was your one photo you need to keep on your camera roll?
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