3 reasons you SHOULDN’T google “how to organise my photos”

3 reasons you SHOULDN’T google “how to organise my photos”

Are you constantly running out of space on your phone? Worry you are deleting photos you will want later? Wish you could finally understand where your photos are now, where they come from and how to get them where you want them?

Have you ever googled “how to organise my photos”?

Today’s blog outlines the reasons we think googling this topic is a bad idea, along with some compelling reasons why learning from a Professional Photo Manager is a much MUCH better idea.

Let’s start with some of the many tasks you might need to undertake to get your photos organised;

  • learn where photos are now
  • figuring out where photos are coming from and how they get there
  • understanding device and file formats
  • getting clarity around cloud, digital storage and backup options
  • understanding metadata
  • deciphering de-duplication and organising software.

I’m sure you’re already be familiar with the motivators to get organised!

You want;

  • to be able to find specific photos when you want and need them
  • to be FREE of the anxiety that at any time that dreaded “storage full” message will pop up just when you are trying to take a photo
  • to have the confidence to delete photos from your phone to free up space without losing them all together
  • to be the envy of all your friends because you can actually DO stuff with photos because you can find them easily
  • to kiss the days of having photos scattered all over a bunch of different devices, goodbye
  • to be able to relax because you have a simple system to get your photos from one place to another
  • to finally understand where your photos are now, where they come from and how to get them where you want them
  • to stop beating yourself up about having never done anything with those precious memories (like your second child’s baby albums…)
  • to feel the peace of knowing your photos and family story is backed up and protected for future generations.

Why shouldn’t you just google it?

  1. There is no guarantee you’ll get a Specific Result!

This is a huge one. Google can’t promise an OUTCOME. A Certified Photo Manager can ensure your photos will be organised. Your workflow will be seamless. And if it isn’t, they will help you figure out why and fix it. Together.

Google can’t do that.

  1. Information vs education!

Google will simply spew out a bunch of random information, leading you down a maze of link after link that may or may not be relevant to your situation. A Photo Manager can provide a proven strategy that takes you from A to B in the least amount of time possible. They can deliver training to ensure that you’re truly developing skills and applying everything that you’re learning to your digital photo collection. In short, you don’t know what you don’t know, and a Photo Manager will tell you exactly what that is.

Google can’t do that.

  1. The personal touch

We’ve all been lost down the Google rabbit hole searching for something and know how time consuming that can be. Photo Managers take your education seriously. They take your time seriously. They take your investment seriously. They are committed to your success and are going to be there every step of the way. They are going to motivate you, and keep you accountable.

A Photo Manager works for YOU, not for Google.

If you have questions about our 1:1 coaching you can book in using the link below for a no obligations free compatibility call.

  • Tammy Gray
    Posted at 21:04h, 03 July

    Great post! I’d never heard of a PPO before meeting you. Point 2 is spot!

    • admin
      Posted at 13:33h, 08 July

      Thanks Tammy, I bet you get the same issues with people led down the garden path!