digital photo filing Tag

Who has experienced this before?  How frustrating is it?  Of course by the time you have deleted some photos to make room for more, the moment you were trying to capture has passed. As you know we live by the motto - organise ~ utilise ~ enjoy and today we are exploring some of the benefits of having your photo life organised.

I have often said that I am of the luckiest generation. I am old enough to remember BEFORE digital technology (and the internet) but young enough to have been able to adapt and embrace it. You could say that is why I am an advocate of old school methods as well as new technology like Call me old fashioned but in my personal (and professional) opinion the dead set easiest way to back up your photos is to

Winter has set in and with it many of us are spending the night curled up in front of the TV.  Instead of watching the same boring old shows, why don’t you have a good old fashioned 'slide' night?

Do you love a good catch up with old friends? Can you remember the last time you took a stroll down memory lane? Do you have hundreds of old slides or prints taking up valuable storage space generating inches of dust? We can help you prepare everything you need to enjoy a 'slide' night the modern way and we have some fun theme ideas to inspire you.