22 Apr Social connection through photos
Have you found your screen time up by 3000%? You are not alone, and you are not failing yourself or your family. We are living in unprecedented times and in these times, we need unique new ways to cope.
Humans are social animals and especially when faced with adversity (um hello scary virus) there is a basic need of connection. Technology and screen time are helping fulfil that need, so try not to beat yourself up about it.
Last week I wrote about Meme’s and how they might be causing camera roll clutter. Whilst they were funny, the humour was focused on the challenges and more negative behaviours we have been seeing.
Today I wanted to flip the lens and focus on ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (and I write it like that because there are a LOT) of wonderfully creative social interactions coming out of this experience (I’ve put a * next to the ones I have actually participated in myself) the rest I have seen through friends and family sharing them.
- Photo sharing
- I spy camera roll* (a photo with the colour…)
- 18th photo on your phone
- of pets
- of a beach for the ocean lovers
- of favourite holiday for the travellers
- something that makes you proud to be a mother
- of you alone (to build women up)
- Pilates*
- Yoga*
- Physie
- Play dates (sooooo much squeeling from Ms 9 and her friends)
- Written sharing
- 4 things about me
- Random things about me
- Couples share your story
- Shows you’ve seen or been in*
- Countries you’ve visited
- Child versus child
- So that I don’t forget…
- Online trivia (general & Harry Potter)*
- Friday family drinks*
- Sunday afternoon drinks*
- Church services
- The Hunt – Online Scavenger Hunt
- Book Club*
- Pet Play Date*
- Create Mocktail*
- Face time walk*
- Lip sync*
- Recreate a famous artwork*
- Colouring in
- Reading to children
- Pictionary
- Charades
- Video games
- Cooking
- Learning new skills
- Recreating TV intros
- Rewriting ends of movies
- Re-dubbing an animation
Now you could say that all these things existed before the Rona, but I certainly hadn’t participated in 99% of them.
Of course, I am particularly interested in the ones that have involved PHOTOS so please comment here and share with us!
How have you been staying connected?
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