19 Aug Predictions:
How future generations might feel about our digital photos

Have you seen this image? I shared an image like this on social media pages a while back and the reactions were mostly of shock. There are now a lot of them kicking around online (just google honey I found a photo of your grandmother).
It prompted me to think more about how future generations might interpret some of today’s most frequently taken types of photos when they see them in the future.
Because unless you’re curating, deleting and managing your digital photo collection they may be unearthed by a great great great grandchild….and of course once they’re out there online who knows where or when they might crop up again!

Vanity or Glamour Shot
Possible reactions;
- OMG Nanna put it away!
- Did everyone back then have this narcissistic trait?

Couple Shot
Possible reactions;
- Arghghgh get a room
- awwww look they were so young and in love.

The big group shot
Possible reactions;
- Who the heck ARE all those people?
- cool let’s figure out who everyone was

Babies and kids
Possible reactions;
- Is that me? That’s MY behind out there for the world to see
- OMG I was so CUTE!

Pets and animals
Possible reactions;
- Cute dog, whose was it?
- pffttt another random kitten, I get it you liked animals

Travel and location shots
Possible reactions;
- I’ve been there – man it’s changed!
- Where is that? I love travel

Food preparation and meals
Possible reactions;
- Was there a world wide shortage of restaurants?
- Wow, were they loaded, eating out so often!

Feet and foot shots
Possible reactions;
Have we evolved as a species and feet looked different somehow?
Maybe they will……I’d hazard a guess that finger and neck bone structure could well change over the hundred or so years with technology use.

Flat lays
Possible reactions;
- What on earth is this photo about?!?!?
Of course this is all speculation, I don’t have a crystal ball that tells me what people might be like or be thinking in the future. But you can see there could be both positive and negative reactions. It might do to consider how your photos are being perceived now. I found this interesting read What The Photos We Post In Social Networks Say About Us
On the flip side I also found an evidence based study on photo taking intentions – here
It all comes back to intent and management. Something to ponder…..
What is your intention not only when you take the photo, but how will you use it in the near future and how will you store it (if at all) for future generations?
One thing I am doing is documenting a carefully curated small selection of images for our kids using Legacy of Love App you can read about how I am doing that here.
Have you thought about long term goals for your photos?
Comment here and let us know.
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