What is with all the feet photos?

What is with all the feet photos?

Today I am pondering what will future generations think when they find all these photos of feet?  IF they find them… but that is another topic again 🙂

Social media is awash with feet, shoes and all manner of #lookdown images.

Are you on Instagram?  Being the visual creatures we are there frequently looking for creative inspiration and our feeds usually include at least one foot/feet photo per screen.  Follow us on Instagram.

Check out these FOOT photos and see if you can match the caption to the image?* answers below

a)  The rhodies on the ground a just a sign that summer’s around the corner! #shoeshot #vintagestyle #lookdown #simplepleasures

b)  Here again.

c)  Priorities

d) kitty toe prints #farmcats #lookdown #pawprints #meow

e) back in comfy flats with a celebration coffee…I won best shoes last night #coffeetime #flatshoes #humpday #celebrate #ipromosenomoreshoephotos

f)  early mothers day gift to self #suchananna #nerdalert #wahm #ugg #warmandcomfy #comfortfirst #homeoffice

g) wearing my new @jeanswest jeans to work today and they feel so good!  Almost #monochromemonday for the first day of my working week with a little pop of pink for a freezing cold day! #teacherstyle #mumstyle

h) the fun in the sun is over #sa #cold #desertnights #freezing #cadneyhomestead #goodbyewarmweather #missitalready

Some of the posts are informative but others don’t mean much at all, certainly not to the general reader.  One would hope that it would mean something to them as individuals and also to their followers but I wonder if in a years (or five years) time they will remember why they took it?  But what if they only keep the photo?  Will the picture retain its meaning or purpose or will they like me be thinking, why on earth was I taking photos of my feet?

I get that it is a cool perspective and an interesting angle, these shots do appeal to me creatively but professionally I know this kind of photo is adding to the digital photo overload.

My suggestion, if you are taking this kind of photo then you should delete it very quickly after use OR if it has significant meaning capture the story!  Remember

“We can share photos online, but if there’s is no other information or caption, we are just looking at an image with no voice”.  Rodel Casio

Make sure your photos have a voice.

Have a magical day


*1G, 2H, 3D, 4A, 5B, 6C, 7F, 8E

  • SMART SIZE your photo collection | The Filing Fairies
    Posted at 09:43h, 09 November

    […] this regularly (we suggest at least monthly) to ensure you are not overwhelmed by random selfies, foot photos and seafood platters.  Better still smart size your photo collection by being INTENTIONAL and […]