Jo’s journey

Jo’s journey

This week I ask my partner in crime the shy but lovely and talented Jo some questions about her journey with Fairytales – The Blog

What has been the highlight of your journey with Fairytales The Blog?

Seeing our followers grow and grow each week. It is amazing where some followers are located – some on the other side of the world! It is great that you find our posts interesting and thank you for following. I also love creating artworks and images to accompany Mara’s posts.

What was your favourite post?

My favourite post would be the 8 benefits of being organised. I love being organised and I loved writing this post with all the wonderful benefits associated with being organised – especially those around improved health and saving money!

What is the most challenging thing about the blog?

Sometimes keeping up to date with the blog is challenging and releasing a new post each week, especially when we have a lot of work happening with our clients.

What tool do you find most helpful in creating your blog?

WordPress makes blogging really easy. Plus, we can read our statistics after each post, to see what topics are most popular and tells us we should write more about these topics.

What does success mean to you?

Success to me is doing something I love to do and making other people happy at the same time. I love organising, and I love helping others to get organised. I enjoy seeing a client’s stress disappear and feeling their relief when I begin a photo organising or office space organising project for them.

What dreams and ambitions do you have for Fairytales in our second year?

I would love to see our blog continue to grow and help more and more people with tips and tricks to have peace of mind that their precious memories and important documents are organised, backed up and secure.

Thanks for sharing with us Jo.

Be sure to join us next week when we talk about how you can be a photo detective.

Have a magical day


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