5 reasons we love a manually managed folder structure for your digital photos

5 reasons we love a manually managed folder structure for your digital photos

Could you possibly indulge me a ranty post?

Jo & I have spend a lot of time educating ourselves on the use of different photo organising software.

We spend even MORE time helping clients out of the digital disaster zone that installing such software causes.

Of course this may sound a little cray cray as I know those digital disasters are what keeps the business rolling in for us but our vision here is to help people! We want you to be able to utilise and enjoy your images which you can’t do if your images are not organised. Despite this software being called ‘organising software’ we find that for the average general public user the software only serves to create more confusion and clutter. Mainly this is because people don’t have the time to learn to use the programs properly and or the software is updated or superseded leaving users in more of a pickle than they started with.

Have you heard about Yosemite? Mac users may have heard mention of it, Yosemite is the new application that apple are which will supersede iPhoto. You can read more on the topic here

As professional Personal Photo Organisers we always recommend a Manually Managed Folder Structure:

  1. It is application independent: no software updates or worse still extinctions and no time consuming syncs (that can fail BTW! Read our article about that here)
  2. It’s simple and easy to understand and use: check out our MOON walk infographic to see how easy it is
  3. It’s platform independent: PC or Mac it is universal to all operating platforms
  4. It’s been around since the very beginning: and for all visions and purposes will remain so
  5. It’s FREE! – no at cost add on or upgrades required.

Adobe Lightroom, Windows Live Gallery, Aperture, Picasa, Flickr and iPhoto (soon to be Yosemite) you name it (and there are many many more) photo organising software causes headaches, it causes that digital disaster zone I mentioned.

So there you have my ranty post – covering just 5 reasons why, when you ask us the best way to organise your digital photos, we will always recommend a manually managed folder structure.

That felt good. Maybe I should write more ranty posts… what do you think?

  • Laura Ecker
    Posted at 11:32h, 30 September

    I really appreciate your opinion. I haven’t yet tried the confusing programs you mentioned. Thanks for the heads up!

    • thefilingfairies
      Posted at 12:35h, 30 September

      Thanks Laura, glad to have saved you some time and a headache

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