Christmas 2014 Organised

Christmas 2014 Organised

Yes you read that right it says 2014!I can hear you all thinking “wait a minute Christmas 2014?! It’s not even Christmas 2013!  Don’t worry we are not crazy, just helpfully organised.I wanted to share my personal favourite tip to an organised hassle free way to shop for Christmas gifts.

The key is to Pay Attention and Note – or because The Filing Fairies love a good acronym to help you remember things…P.A.N!  Think of Peter Pan… it fits nicely with our brand.

THIS year over the next couple of days and all your parties and gatherings at gift exchange time or as we say in our family “tree time”;

  • watch for reactions
  • listen to comments
  • really pay attention to the effect gifts (all gifts) are having on people

Let me give you an example.  Last year (2012 for those that are really confused) my Cousin Denis received NRL in review in our family secret Santa gift exchange.  Denis put the book down within seconds but I observed Cousin Cameron pouring over it with a keen and eager eye almost all afternoon.  So like the good little organised Fairy that I am I whipped out my paperless list (the app I use for notes on my iPhone) and I noted on my Gifts 2014 list: Cameron – NRL year review.  Now I didnt even draw Cameron this year so some might say that was a waste of time but my mother in law did and I was able to help her out with the idea.

I make observations like this ALL YEAR long; at birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day and even just general “throwaway” wishful comments.  Having my little reminder notes make life so much easier come shopping time.  I firmly believe half the stress of Christmas shopping (or any gift shopping) is coming up with the gift idea and this method helps take that out of the equation.  It can even save you money if you have an eye out for specials earlier in the year, allowing you to spread costs out over time.

I am flattered that people often tell me that I give lovely thoughtful gifts, because to me I am just an organised gift giver.  Why don’t you give it a go this year and see the difference it can make to your entire year of gift giving.

Have a magical day


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